How To Make $100 A Day With Videos

Alao Tope Atop
8 min readApr 20, 2021


Youtube gets more than 2 billion one-of-a-kind visits a month.

A huge number of normal web clients are as of now bringing in cash on Youtube.

It is not difficult to begin. Before you know it, you could be headed to earning enough to pay the rent on the web, with your own Youtube channel.

Do you have a site or blog? It is safe to say that you are accepting the traffic that you need to make a benefit?

Or then again have you been hit by Google’s Panda on the off chance that the Google update has focused on your site, you will see a drop in your everyday site traffic.

You can utilize Youtube to recapture the traffic that you lost from Google.

1. You can begin by utilizing YouTube’s Creator Playbook.

When you are going, you can make a couple of new recordings and turn a portion of your more established content into recordings.

Probably the most ideal approaches to get traffic to your site or blog is to remember your full url for the first line of your video portrayal.

When Your video has been handled, Youtube will show your url as a tick capable connection that will be ordered by the web search tools and once clicked, it will take the guest straightforwardly to your site

2. Item Creation And How To Promote On Youtube

It is safe to say that you are prepared to make your own item? then i recommend you use VideoCreator

The Youtube interpersonal organization offers various strategies that you can use to advance your items.

You could make a data digital book, applications, work of art or music download documents. Add a paypal catch to your site for installment and you are good to go.

Imagine a scenario where you would prefer not to make your own item. Don’t sweat it.

You can go along with one of the many free affiliate organizations.

Partner showcasing is simply one more approach to sell items online that are claimed by a seller.

When an item is sold, you are paid by the member network with a money order or paypal.

There are a great many free member networks that you can participate in minutes.

A standout amongst other associate organizations to join incorporates Amazon, Clickbank, CJ Commission

Intersection, and ShareASale.

There are a large number of subsidiary organizations that you can join, anyway the rundown above incorporates

the majority of the main organizations in the business.

Perhaps the most effortless technique, that you can use to begin bringing in cash rapidly on

Youtube, is to make item surveys and instructional exercise recordings.

You can begin in minutes by joining the Amazon partner program.

3. Make Your Own TV Show.

Do you have a story to tell? You can make your own TV show arrangement on Youtube.

Your prospects are limitless. You can make your own syndicated program, dramatization arrangement or parody


It simply relies upon how much work you need to place into it and your spending plan.

Right now, Youtube limits TV shows to 15 minutes. You should build your cutoff in

request to work really hard, at making your TV arrangement.

A many individuals have built up another vocation whenever they have gotten a huge number of perspectives on


The absolute most well known independent video subjects are excellence tips, practice exercises, eating fewer carbs

tips and singing

4. Become a Youtube Super Star.

Building up your Youtube channel could make you a ton of cash.

In the event that you have a novel thought that gets well known on Youtube, you could get a large number of


Youtube will pay you $7 per 1 thousand video sees.

5. Getting Your Share Of The Profits

Whenever you have made 4 or 5 recordings. the time is now for you to go to the following stage and join

YouTube’s accomplice program.

To have the option to adapt your recordings on YouTube, you’ll first have to set up a Youtube Channel.

Next you should go to YouTube’s Partners page to join their program.

Whenever that is done, click on the important connection under the Monetize Your Video

6. Tutorial Videos
Do you know how to repair your car or how to fix things around the house.
How to videos are huge on Youtube. Some of the more popular beauty videos have over 1
million views.
You could create a video of you repairing your car, fixing your roof or baking a cake. You can
share just about anything that you can think of.
Thousands of people are turning to the internet to get advice and view different types of how
to videos.
Do you have an idea for a new product

7. It is essential to choose the correct Keywords

A huge number of recordings are up-stacked regular. That implies that there’s an enormous measure of

rivalry on Youtube.

You should do all that you can to get your recordings found. This is the place where utilizing video

meta information comes in to play.

Video meta information is the territory where you would incorporate the title, depiction and catchphrases for

your video.

Fundamentally, you should completely upgrade your video’s information labels so your recordings will be found for

your chose point or specialty.

Youtube works a great deal like a web crawler. Streamlining your recordings for watchword search will

have a significant effect between your prosperity or disappointment

8. How Would You Like To Make Your child or pet a star.
You don’t have to be a good singer to become a star on Youtube.
With a little bit of luck, you could shoot a video of a double rainbow or your child doing
something unusual and it goes viral.
Keep your video camera handy as you go about your day. If you see something that is cute,
interesting or unusual, tape it and upload it to Youtube.
You never can tell who or what will be the next video sensation.

9. A Better Way To Do Keyword Research

Due to the high rivalry you will undoubtedly confront, compelling catchphrase research is urgent.

Here is a basic strategy that should be possible in a short time. This will put you in front of the

rivalry without fail.

Point by point watchword examination would typically require hours or days to finish.

A great many people don’t have a ton of available energy to put resources into definite catchphrase research.

The manner in which this strategy works, is that you would go to Youtube and type in the catchphrase phrases

that you figure individuals would use to discover your item or administration.

As you type, Youtube will give ideas that will show the most widely recognized looks for

your watchword phrases.

Make a note of the top outcomes from their drop down list and incorporate those watchword expresses in

your video titles.

Additionally, you should make a note of the less pertinent terms and utilize those in your catchphrase labels to

get some additional connection juice.

Another mysterious that the vast majority ignore is to type your catchphrase thoughts into Youtube, so that

you can perceive what are a portion of the important terms that are right now being utilized by Youtube


10. Part with Free Stuff

I’m certain that you have known about sites, web journals or video channels that offer unconditional presents.

Another technique you can use to bring in cash with recordings is to give your guest free plr articles

or then again digital books.

Part with a couple of sections of the articles or digital books.

You can charge your client an expense to get the remainder of the articles or digital book.

You can gather their installment by introducing a paypal button on your site or blog.

You can utilize a digital book download administration that will convey your articles or digital book once the

installment is made.

There are a number or digital book the executives administrations on Google.

The majority of them are allowed to join. They would regularly charge you a little expense after your item

is sold.

You can buy PLR articles or digital books online for about $5.00 and exchange them and keep all

the benefits. PLR represents private name rights.

These are digital books that you can exchange and keep every one of the benefits

11. New Youtube Keyword Tool Alternative

As expressed before, the main advance that you should finish accurately is your watchword

state choice.

In the event that you don’t get this right, you won’t have a possibility of being fruitful on the web.

Other than composing your catchphrases into the Youtube’s inquiry box, most web advertisers were

utilizing the Youtube Keyword Tool.

The Youtube Keyword Tool has been shut down as of September of 2014.

Luckily, there is a New Youtube Keyword Tool Alternative.

Watchword Tool is the best Youtube catchphrase apparatus elective.

It can produce profoundly important long-tail catchphrases about a specific point.

It utilizes the very auto-complete framework that is utilized on the Google internet searcher.

Be that as it may, the auto-complete outcomes are gathered from their Youtube clients.

The New Keyword Tool permits you to choose the language and country.

Besides they have added a couple of more valuable highlights that will assist you with getting perspectives to your


The Keyword Tool will create more than 750 long-tail watchwords by utilizing YouTube’s auto-complete framework.

Their framework can extend your watchword results by adding the catchphrase expresses that

you determine with different letters and numbers.

Not very many online advertisers are utilizing this Keyword Tool. Utilizing this instrument will put you years

in front of your opposition.

12. YouTube Trends

The framework was discharge on December or 2010. YouTube Trends is a free online device that was

intended to help online advertisers keep steady over the most recent moving recordings on Youtube.

YouTube Trends permits you to gather more data about who is watching the most

mainstream recordings.

You can look by age bunch, city, country and sexual orientation.

Their dashboard allows you rapidly to find and investigate what’s mainstream in various urban communities around

the world.

13. Secret Amazon Marketing Tips

This is a simple ensured technique to procure fast commissions from Amazon.

On the off chance that you utilize this strategy accurately, you will have next to no or no opposition as far as positioning

on the main page of the Google web index.

At the point when you discharge another video for another watchword expression, your video will rank on the first

page of Google in about 60 minutes.

The way in to the technique is to go to the site beneath and survey the new items that have

been delivered by Amazon. It should be an item name that is new and it has not been ordered

or then again recorded by Google.

The technique will in any case work, regardless of whether it is recorded by Google, insofar as it isn’t recorded by a significant

site. YouTube recordings will handily out position the vast majority of the normal sites.

Make an item audit video with the new item name in the title, depiction and in the

watchword labels.

You should join the Amazon’s member program and add your offshoot interface on your site

or on the other hand blog.

Add your site url to your video portrayal. It is likewise a smart thought to add the items

picture on your site. You ought to likewise add your member connect to your item picture.

The strategy will work for any new online item that has a remarkable name that has not been

recorded on Google.

An item survey video will consistently out position the normal sites in about 60 minutes.

In this course, I have illustrated probably the simplest methods that anybody can utilize today to

begin bringing in cash.

YouTube is the second biggest web crawler on the planet with a great many video sees a


Google has made it practically difficult to rank on page one for any significant watchword state.

Though with YouTube, it is as yet conceivable, to get some respectable come about because of streamlining your




Alao Tope Atop

CEO @AMW Nigeria. Providing financial services for average Nigerian